Sarahjoy Marsh
MA, E-RYT-500, C-IAYT Sarahjoy Marsh, MA, E-RYT-500 yoga teacher and author, is the Founding Teacher for the DAYA Foundation. A yoga advocate for over 29 years, she teaches authentic yoga inclusive of all of yoga's limbs, influenced by her roots in Buddhism and Transpersonal Counseling, and specializes in trauma-informed yoga. Sarahjoy has trained more than 700 yoga teachers. She is a vibrant, compassionate … Read more… |
Alice Diffely
E-RYT 500 Alice Diffely, E-RYT 500, Certified Chi Running® & Chi Walking® Master Instructor, RRCA Certified Running Coach, Certified TRE® Provider, Original Strength® Certified Coach is a longtime yoga practitioner whose teaching is enriched by her natural curiosity and enthusiastic study of related movement and mindfulness practices, such as the science of the breath; trauma-informed, brain sensitive yoga (TIBS), Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE), and ChiWalking/ChiRunning. She thoughtfully... Read More... |
Carol Gonzalez
RYT 500, NIA Carol is a lifelong mover, dancer, and teacher. She began practicing yoga in college while living abroad and studying dance. Choosing to work in the world of transformative educational programs, dance and yoga became an avocation. After golden years of creating and nurturing a family and a children’s school, Carol returned to the movement arts and began teaching yoga in 2003. In 2005, Carol took Sarahjoy’s Read More |
Sadie Barr
Sadie is a yoga teacher, meditation teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, and recovery coach with a B.S. in psychology. Her classes are a melding pot of yoga philosophy, recovery principles, and life on life's terms. She teaches slow flows and restorative yoga to balance the nervous system. Read More |